1. Davis, Audrey B., Rudolf Schindler’s Role in the Development of Gastroscopy, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 46 (1972): 156 and 159. The former patient was Mrs. Charles Morse who, along with Martha Fisher, underwrote part of the cost of Schindler’s Lehrbuch und Atlas der Gastroskopie (1923).
2. [Records and minutes]: First Year of the Society and Leon Schiff to William Haubrich, Feb. 16, 1990. Unless otherwise noted, the history of the first meeting comes from the records and minutes.
3. Schindler to Walter C. Alvarez, October 28, 1941.
4. Gastroscopy. The Endoscopic Study of Gastric Pathology;Schindler,1950
5. Several people apparently suggested “club,” among them Charles Flood. Armistead Crump, Flood’s colleague in New York who headed the Gastrosopic Clinic at Presbyterian Hospital, told Schindler that he had advised Flood to recommend calling the group a “club” before Flood left for the meeting. Crump to Schindler, March 14, 1942.