1. Council regulation (EEC) 2377/90 of 26 June 1990, Official J. Eur. Commun. No. L224 (1990) 1–6.
2. Commission regulation (EC) No. 1442/95 of 26 June 1995, Official J. Eur. Commun. L143 (1995) 26–30.
3. Council directive 96/23/EC of 29 April 1996, Official J. Eur. Commun. No. L125 (1996) 10–32.
4. Annual Report of the Institute of Veterinary Inspection (Belgium) for 1999 http://cemu10.fmv.ulg.ac.be/OSTC/MonitoringIEV/99iev.htm.
5. Comission Européene, Direction Générale XXIV. XXIV/1516/98-MR-final (04/03/99 http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/inspections/vi/reports/belgium/vi_rep_belg_1516-1998_fr.pdf.