1. A.I. Busev, V.G. Tiptsova, V.M. Ivanov, Analytical Chemistry of Rare Elements, Mir Publishers, 1981.
2. R.A. Bock, Handbook of Decomposition Methods in Analytical Chemistry. T.&A. Constabie, Edinburgh, 1979.
3. A.P.G. Gervasio, T. Blanco, G.C. Luca, C.E.S. Miranda, J.A. Nóbrega, H. Bergamin F°, B.F. Reis, XII Seminário de Controle Quı́mico em Metalurgia-ABM, 1998, p. 483.
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5. C. Vandecasteele, C.B. Block, Modern Methods for Trace Element Determination, Wiley, UK, 1993.