1. Environmental restoration and waste management fiscal year 1993. Site-specific plan for the Richland Field Office, Document no. DOE/RL-92-27. US-DOE Richland, WA, January 1993, pp 1-1–1-9; 8-1–8-18.
2. Report on the handling of safety information concerning flammable gases and ferrocyanide at the Hanford Waste Tanks, Document no. DOE/NS-0001P, US-DOE Office of Nuclear Safety, Washington, DC, 20585, July 1990, pp 1–84, 117–231
3. J.S. Buckingham (Ed.); Waste Management Technical Manual; Document no. ISO-100, Isochem Inc., Richland, WA, August 31, 1967, p 438
4. S.G. Metcalf, Determination of EDTA and HEDTA in Hanford Defense Waste by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Report no. RHO-SA-218; Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, WA, 1981, pp 1–32
5. S.A. Bryan, R.L. Pederson, J.L. Ryan, R.D. Scheele, J.M. Tingey, Slurry growth, gas retention, and flammable gas generation by Hanford radioactive waste tanks: synthetic waste studies, FY 1991. Doc. no. PNL-8169, Pacific Northwest Laboratory Richland, WA. August 1992, pp 2.1–2.15