1. ISO 354:2003, Acoustics – Measurement of Sound Absorption in a Reverberation Room; 2003.
2. ASTM C423-17, Standard test method for sound absorption and sound absorption coefficients by the reverberation room method; 2017.
3. ISO 10534-2:2001, Acoustics – Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes – Part 2: Transfer-function method; 2001.
4. ASTM E1050-12, Standard Test Method for Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials Using a Tube, Two Microphones and a Digital Frequency Analysis System; 2017.
5. Nolan M., Jeong C.-H., Brunskog J., Rodenas J., Chevillotte F., Jaouen L., Different Radiation Impedance Models for Finite Porous Absorbers, Proc. Euronoise 2015, 31 May-3 June, Maastricht (NL).