1. Theoretical Study of Aerosol Filtration by Fibrous Filters
2. Filtration of monodisperse aerosols and polydisperse dusts by porous foam filters
3. K.R. Spurney, in: Proceedings of the Seventh World Filtration Congress, Budapest, 20–23 May 1996, Hungarian Chemical Society, Budapest, vol. 2, 1996, p.688.
4. B.Y.H. Liu, K.L. Rubow, in: Proceedings of the Fifth World Filtration Congress, Nice, 5–8 June 1990, Société Française de Filtration, Cachan, vol. 3, 1990, 112.
5. H.G. Horn, in: Proceedings of the Seventh World Filtration Congress, Budapest, 20–23 May 1996, Hungarian Chemical Society, Budapest, vol. 2, 1996, 681.