1. PVC Additives: Performance, Chemistry, Developments, and Sustainability;Schiller,2022
2. Health care without harm, https://noharm-europe.org/documents/polyvinyl-chloride-debate-why-pvc-remains-problematic-material (accessed October 2022).
3. The European Council of vinyl Manufacturers, https://pvc.org/pvc-applications/(accessed October 2022).
4. Publication office from the European union, https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/e9e7684a-906b-11ec-b4e4-01aa75ed71a1 (accessed October 2022).
5. Patented Oct. 10, 1933 SYNTHETIC RUBBER-LIKE COMPOSITION-- and METHOD of MAKING SAME Waldo L. Semon, Silver Lake Village, Ohio, Assignor to the B. F.-Goodrl Ch Company, New York, N. Y., a Corporation of New York No Drawing. Continuation Oi Application Serial .No. 320,003, November 16, 1928.