1. The Pharmacological Basis of Therpeutics(Edited by A.G Gilman, L.S.Goodman and A.Gilman), 6th Edition, p.420. Macmillan,New York.
2. Burger's Medicinal Chemistry (Edited by M.E Wolff. 4th Edition), Part III, p 997 Wiley-Interscience, New York.
3. The Merek Index, 10th Edition, No 3434, p 499 and refs therein.
4. The Merck Index, 10th Edition, No 6050, p 884 and refs therein.
5. J.P. Tollenaere, H. Moereels and L.A. Raymaekers, Atlas of the Three- Dimensional Structure of Drugs, Elsevier/Nonh-Holland.