1. Becker, H.C., et al., “Subliminal Communication: Biological Engineering Considerations,” Digest of the 6th International Conference on Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, August 22–27, 1965.
2. Becker, H.C., and Glanzer, N.H., “Subliminal Communication: Advances in Audiovisual Engineering Applications for Behavior Therapy and Education,” Proceedings of the 1978 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Region 3 Conference, April, 1978, Atlanta, Georgia.
3. Becker, H.C., and Jewell, J.F., “Weight Control through Behavior Modification: Applied Communications Technology,” Record of the IEEE 1977 Region III Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, April, 1977.
4. Becker, H.C., and McDonagh, E.W., “Subliminal Communication (Subliminal Psychodynamic Activation) in Rehabilitative and Preventive Medicine,” presented to the Ninth Annual Conference of The Society for Computer Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1979.
5. Becker, H.C. United States Patent No. 3,060,795. Apparatus for Producing Visual Stimulation, 1962.