1. G. A. Carlson, W. C. Condit, R. S. Devoto, J. H. Fink, J. D. Hanson, W. S. Neef, Jr., and A. C. Smith, Jr., “Conceptual Design of the Field-Reversed Mirror Reactor,” a Lawrence Livermore Laboratory report UCRL 52467 (1978).
2. Thetapinch experiments with trapped antiparallel magnetic fields
3. A. G. Es'kov et al., Proc. European Conf. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 7th, Lausanne, Switzerland (1974) vol. 1, p. 55.
4. R. K. Linford, D. A. Platts, and E. G. Sherwood, paper presented at IEEE Conf. on Plasma Science, Troy, N.Y. (1977).