1. Anon, 1991. Testing of printed circuit heat exchangers. Future practice R&D profile 12, energy efficiency best practice programme. Available from The Carbon Trust (UK). .
2. Anon, 1993. Investigation into the fouling and scaling of a printed circuit heat exchanger. Future practice R&D profile 39, energy efficiency best practice programme. Available from The Carbon Trust (UK). .
3. Anon, 1998. Experience in the operation of compact heat exchangers. Good practice guide 198, energy efficiency best practice programme. Available from the Carbon Trust. .
4. Anon, 2000a. Procesintensificatie: een uitdaging voor de procesindustrie, Novem, Rotterdam, 10 October, (principally in English).
5. Anon, 2000b. Minutes of the Third PIN meeting, UMIST, 27 April. .