1. S. Miyajima and I. Tamori, “Study on Method of Measuring Dust Content in Flue Gas by Anisokinetic Sampling,” Proc., 6th World Congr. Air Qual. International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations, Paris, 1983.
2. P. F. Vollaro, “Recommended Procedure for Sample Traverses in Ducts Smaller than 12 Inches in Diameter,” Staff Paper. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1977.
3. A Device to Spot-Check Pitot Tube Accuracy
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5. W. B. Smith, K. M. Cushing, J. W. Johnson, C. T. Parson, A. D. Williamson, and R. R. Wilson, Jr., “Sampling and Data Handling Methods for Inhalable Particulate Sampling,” EPA-600/7–82-036. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 1982.