1. BADGER, G. (1989) Explorers of the Pacific, Kangaroo Press. A vivid historical account which emphasizes the importance of Polynesian voyages and navigation as a prelude to the saga of European exploration, with its hardships, privations and triumphs.
2. COMMITTEE ON EXISTING AND POTENTIAL USE OF THE SEAFLOOR (1990) Our Seabed Frontier, National Research Council, USA. An assessment of sea-floor properties and processes as they relate to utilization of the United States' EEZ sea-bed: mineral and energy resources, waste disposal, pipelines, cables, etc.
3. CRiBB, J. (1986) Subtidal Galapagos, Camden House Publishing, Canada. A record of impressions of a diving expedition around the Galapagos. Its main feature is the stunning underwater photographs, but the text also deals in a simple way with the oceanographi e reasons for the striking differences in biota between one island and another.
4. ENGELHARDT, F.R (ed.) (1985) Petroleum Effects in the Arctic Environment, Elsevier. A collection of in-depth articles covering the Arctic marine ecosystem, the fate of spilled oil and its effects on different groups of organisms.
5. GLASSNER, M.i. (1990) Neptune's Domain: A Political Geography of the Sea, Unwin Hyman. A short but wide-ranging book, written in an accessible style, dealing with the Law of the Sea and its application to certain areas (e.g. the eastern Pacific, Rockall, and the Arctic) and specific problems (e.g. pollution).