1. Adams, K. T. (1942). Hydrographic Manual, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Special Publication No. 143, Revised 1942, pp. 477–478.
2. American Society of Civil Engineers (1942). Hydraulic Models, Manual of Engineering Practice, No. 25, 1942, 110 pp.
3. Anonymous (1934). The Mitchell current meter, Inter. Hydro. Review, Vol. 11, No. 1 (May, 1934), p. 144.
4. Anonymous (1936). The Wollaston current meter, The Hydrographic Review, Vol. 13, No. 2. Monaco (November, 1936), pp. 122–129.
5. Arlman, J. J., Santema, P., and Svasek, J. N. (1958). Movement of bottom sediment in coastal waters by currents and waves; measurements with the help of radioactive tracers in the Netherlands. Beach Erosion Board, Tech. Memo. No. 105, Washington, D.C. (March, 1958), 56 pp.