1. P.H. Hutton, J.F. Dawson, M.A. Friesel, J.C. Harris, R.A. Pappas — PNL (USA): “Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Hot Functional Testing, Watts Bar Unit Nuclear Reactor” NUREG/CR 3693 - PNL 5022 June 1984.
2. G. Deuster, D. Sturm, R. Gillot, H. Beyer — IrfP (FRG): “NDE and Material Investigation on Intermediate Size Pressure Vessel ZB1”, 6th International Conference on NDE in NI, Zurich, 28th November — 2nd December 1983.
3. A.C. Lucia (JRC Ispra) “An Experimental and Theoretical Study for the Evaluation of Residual Lifetime of the Primary Circuit of LWR's”, ANS-GNS International Meeting of Thermal Nuclear Reactor Saety, Chicago, August 1982.
4. V. Regis, F. Tonolini, G. Villa — CISE-ENEL (I): “Why and How Acoustic Emission in Pressure Vessel Hydrotest”, 3rd European Conference on NDT, Florence, October 1984.
5. A. Caretta, M. Galli, A.C. Lucia (JRC, Ispra), A. Sala, F. Tonolini (CISE), S. Ghia (ENEL) “Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Fatigue Crack Growth in Pressure Vessel Welds”, 2nd International Conference on On-Line Surveillance and Monitoring, Venice, May 1986.