1. Report ITU-R P.2406-0, Studies for Short-Path Propagation Data and Models for Terrestrial Radiocommunication Systems in the Frequency Range 6GHz to 100GHz, September 2017.
2. Recommendation ITU-R P.1238-9, Propagation Data and Prediction Methods for the Planning of Indoor Radiocommunication Systems and Radio Local Area Networks in the Frequency Range 300MHz to 100GHz, June 2017.
3. Report ITU-R M.2376-0, Technical Feasibility of IMT in Bands Above 6GHz, July 2015.
4. Report ITU-R M.2412-0, Guidelines for Evaluation of Radio Interface Technologies for IMT-2020, October 2017.
5. Report ITU-R M.2411-0, Requirements, Evaluation Criteria and Submission Templates for the Development of IMT-2020, November 2017.