1. Letter from M. LeRoy Stoner, Secretary of the SAE Technical Board, to the American Society for Testing Materials, September 16, 1957.
2. Symposium on Non-Newtonian Viscometry, ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 299. (1962).
3. “Development of Research Technique for Determining the Low-Temperature Cranking Characteristics of Engine Oils.” CRC Report 374(March, 1963); revised (January, 1964).
4. “Prediction of Low-Temperature Cranking Characteristics of Engine Oils by Use of Laboratory Viscometers.” CRC Report 381, (September, 1964); revised (November, 1964).
5. T. W. Selby and N. A. Hunstad, “The Forced-Ball Viscometer and Its Application to the Rheological Characterization of Mineral Oil Systems.” ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 299 (1962), 98.