1. Badger, J. H. and Rosin, M. L. Polyurethane coatings; Chemistry and Consumer, AATCC Coated Fabrics Conference Book of Papers, March 1973.
2. Coated Fabrics Technology, Symposium Book of Papers, American Association of Textile chemists and Colorists (AATCC), March 28–29, 1973.
3. Coated Fabrics Update, AATCC Conference Book of Papers, April 1976.
4. Coated fabrics Update, Symposium Book of Papers, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), March 31–April 1, 1976.
5. Developments in Coating and Laminating, Papers Presented at the Shirley Institute Conference, Publication S41, March 27, 1981.