1. Directorate of Licensing, Fuels and Materials, “Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle,” USAEC Rept. WASH-1248(1974), pp. S-5 and F-1 to F-40.
2. T. C. Runion, Statement in Environmental Effects of Producing Electric Power, Part 2 (Vol. 1), Hearings of the JCAE, Congress of the United States (U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1970), pp. 1697–1731.
3. B. Shleien, “An Estimate of Radiation Doses Received by Individuals Living in the Vicinity of a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant in 1968,” USPHS Rept. BRH/NERHL 70–1(1970).
4. P. Magno, T. Reavey, and J. Apidianakis, “Liquid Waste Effluents from a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant,” USPHS Rept. BRH/NERHL 70–2(1970).
5. J. A. Cochran, et al., “An Investigation of Airborne Radioactive Effluent from an Operating Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant,” USPHS Rept. BRH/NERHL 70–3(1970).