1. Design Study of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) A multiparticle collider in the LEP Tunnel;CERN 91-03,1991
2. Perin R., Review of R & D Towards High-Field Accelerator Magnets, Presented at the 1992 EPAC Conference, Berlin
3. Design and Construction of a Superfluid Helium Cryostat for a Ten-meter long High-field Superconducting Dipole Magnet;Granier,1990
4. Granier M., Hagedorn D., Henrichsen K.N., Lebrun Ph., Leroy D., Perin R., Vlogaert J., Deregel J., Genevey P., Jacquemin J.P., Kircher F., Le Bars J., Performance of the Twinaperture Dipole for the CERN LHC, Presented at the 1992 EPAC Conference, Berlin
5. Casas J., Cyvoct A., Lebrun Ph., Marquet M., Tavian L., Van Weelderen R. Design Concept and First Experimental Validation of the Superfluid Helium System for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Project at CERN, (Presented at this Conference)