1. Southern Electric International, Inc., Run 263 with Black Thunder Mine sub-bituminous coal and dispersed molybdenum catalyst. U.S. Department of Energy Report DOE/PC/90033-23, Wilsonville, AL, 1992
2. Southern Electric International, Inc., Run 262 with Black Thunder sub-bituminous coal. U.S. Department of Energy Report DOE/PC/90033-22, Wilsonville, AL, 1992
3. L.A. Coless, M.C. Poole, M.Y., Wen, Continuous Bench-Scale Slurry Catalyst Testing: Direct Coal Liquefaction of Black Thunder Coal. DOE Contract No. DE-AC22-94PC94051. Topical Report (Draft) No. ERLA.2KW.96(2522), Baton Rouge, LA, July–August 1995
4. B. Demirel, E.N. Givens, Liquefaction of Wyodak coal with phosphomolybdic acid, Energy and Fuels, in press