1. American College of Nurse‐Midwives Web site.Letter from President Melissa D. Avery to the members of the US Congress July 15 2009. Available from:http:www.midwife.orgsiteFileslegislativeACNM_re_Minimum_Educational_Stds_for_Midwives_7_09.pdf[Accessed October 13 2009].
2. Perspectives on the past, view of the present: relationship between nurse-midwifery and nursing in the United States
3. North American Registry of Midwives Web site.Certified professional midwife candidate information bulletin. Available from:http:www.narm.orgpdffilescib.pdf[Accessed October 7 2009].
4. American College of Nurse‐Midwives Web site.Position statement: Midwifery education. Available from:http:www.midwife.orgsiteFilespositionMidwifery_Education_7_09.pdf[Accessed October 7 2009].
5. American College of Nurse‐Midwives Web site.About the midwifery profession. Available from:http:midwife.orgabout_midwife_profession.cfm[Accessed October 7 2009].