1. Alexander, L., 1945. Neuropathology and Neurophysiology, including Electroencephalography, in wartime Germany. Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee G-2 Division SHAEF (Rear) APO 413. July 20. Source: National Archives (USA).
2. The Posen Diaries of the Anatomist Hermann Voss;Aly,1994
3. Anatomical science at the University of Vienna 1938–1945;Angetter;Lancet,2000
4. Arnold, M., 1989. Letter (FAX) from Professor Arnold, Der Direktor, Anatomisches Institut, Universität Tübingen, to William Seidelman. October 5, 1989. Personal Archives, W. Seidelman hereafter “P.A., W. Seidelman.”.
5. Associated Press, 2005. Heinrich Gross, 90, Psychiatrist at Nazi Death Clinic in Austria, Is Dead. NY Times. December. 25, 2005. (accessed 02.09.11).