1. Grosser Granatsplitter im Nasenrachenraum;Seifert;Z. Laryngol. Rhinol. Otol,1916
2. Right Orbital and Left Palpebral Cranio-facial Emphysema From Gunshot Wound; Cases;Caccialupi;Riv. Otoneurooptalmol,1928
3. Small Bullet Retained in Frontal Sinus for Six Years; Case;Scalori;Valsalva,1930
4. Lodging of Small Grenade Projectile in Maxillary Sinus for 16 Years; Removal: Case;D'Onofrio;Arch. Ital. Otol,1932
5. Cerebrofacial Bullet Wound Resulting in Five Secondary Haemorrhages From Nasopharynx; Carotid Ligatures;Potter;Br. J. Surg. (War Surg. Supp. No. 1),1947