1. Boulder, 2007. City of Boulder Water Resources Advisory Board Agenda Item. Meeting Date May 21, 2007. Available: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/Utilities/WRAB/5%2021%2007/wrab_agenda_memo_1.pdf Web (accessed 01.05.11).
2. CDC, 1993. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fluoridation Census 1992. Atlanta, GA, September 1993.
3. CDC, 2008a. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Populations receiving optimally fluoridated public drinking water – United States 1992–2006. MMWR 57: (No. 27) 737–741.
4. CDC, 2008b. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2008 Water fluoridation statistics. http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/statistics/2008stats.htm (accessed 06.05.11).
5. CDC, 2011. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Community Water Fluoridation. Water Fluoridation Additives. http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/fact_sheets/engineering/wfadditives.htm#4 (accessed 06.05.11).