1. The Structure of Wholes
2. Report of the first BASIN Specific Support Action (SSA) meeting held at the University of Hamburg's Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science;BASIN, FP6 project,2007
3. BiodivErsA, FP6 ERA-Net project, 2008. How to assess policy relevance in research projects? Vindimian E., Stott A., Pelegrin F., Published December 2008.
4. BioScore, FP6 project, 2009. A tool to assess the impacts of European Community policies on Europe's biodiversity. BioScore Final Report, 2009. Prepared by: ECNC–European Centre for Nature Conservation. Edited by Ben Delbaere, Ana Nieto Serradilla, Mark Snethlage.
5. Summary of the 4th Biostat General Assembly meeting;BioStrat, FP6 project,2008