1. Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pp Collisions at s=1.8 TeV, CDF Collaboration, F. Abe et al., FERMILAB-PUB-96/020-E, hep-ex/9601008.
2. Hadrophilic Z′: A Bridge from LEP1, SLC and CDF to LEP2 Anomalies, P. Chiapetta, J. Layssac, F.M. Renard, and C. Verzegnassi, hep-ph/9601306.
3. Rb, Rc, and Jet Distributions at the Tevatron in a Model with an Extra Vector Boson, G. Altarelli, N. Di Bartolomeo, F. Feruglio, R. Gatto and M.L. Mangano, hep-ph/9601324.
4. Top quark production: Sensitivity to new physics
5. Dimension-6 gluon operators as probes of new physics