1. Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
2. Monopoles, duality and chiral symmetry breaking in N = 2 supersymmetric QCD
3. P.C. Argytes and A.E. Faraggi, preprint IASSNS-HEP- 94194, hep-th/9411057.
4. A. Klemm, W. Lerche, S. Yankielowicz and S. Theisen, preprint CERN-TH.7495/94, LMU-TPW 94/16, hep-th/9411048; preprint CERN-TH.7538/94, LMU-TPW 94122, hep-/9412158.
5. M.R. Douglas and S.H. Shenker, preprint RU-95-12, hep- th/9503163.