1. This is a revised version of the Technical Paper of the same title, prepared for The United Nations Development Programme, and presented at the Seventh African Governance Forum (AGF V11), on the theme, “Building the Capable State in Africa,” Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24-26 October 2007.
2. Adekanye, J.B. 1995. “Structural Adjustment, Demonstration and Rising Ethnic Tensions in Africa,” Development & Change, Vol. 26, Number 2.
3. African Forum for Strategic Thinking. 2002. Sustainable Development, Governance and Globalisation: African Perspective. Nairobi: Heinrich Boll Foundation.
4. African Union 2006. Study on An African Union Government: Towards the United States of Africa. Addis Ababa: African Union.
5. Aina, T. 1996. Globalization and social policy in Africa. CODESRIA Working Paper No.6. Dakar: CODESRIA.