1. Federalnyi zakon ot 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ “Ob obrazovanii v Rossiiskoi Federatcii” [Federal Law from 29.12.2012 N 273-FL. About education in the Russian Federation.].(enacted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from 21.12.2012).
2. Federalnyi Gosudarstvennyi Standart doshkolnogo obrazovaniya (proekt) [Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education (project).] http://минобрнауки.рф.
3. Asmolov A.G. Kakim byt doshkolnomu detstvu [What should the preschool childhood be]. Kruglyi stol razrabotchikov FGOS doshkolnogo obrazovaniya. [Round table of vendors of FSES of preschool education], 2013. http://www.firo.ru/.
4. Tolkovyi slovar Russkogo yazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskix vyrazhenii [Definition dictionary of Russian language: 80 000 words and phraseological phrase]/Russian Academy of Sciences;Ozhegov,1999
5. Bolshaia entciklopediia [Big encyclopedia]: http://www.vedu.ru.