1. For a comprehensive argument along these lines see Richard Potts, Humanity's Descent: The Consequences of Ecological Instability.(New York: Morrow, 1996 in press).
2. Stanley H. Ambrose, “Late Pleistocene Human Population Bottlenecks, Volcanic Winter, and Differentiation of Modern Humans,” Journal of Human Evolution 34 (1998 in press): 623-51.
3. William S. Atwell, “Volcanism and Short-Term Climatic Change in East Asian and World History, c. 1200 in press-1699 in press,” Journal of World History 12 (2001 in press): 29-98. For a sophisticated discussion of the Little Ice Age in the context of other natural and human considerations, see Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.(New York: Viking, 2005 in press).
4. Diamond, Collapse; and Ian Whyte, World Without End? Environmental Disaster and the Collapse of Empires (London: Tauris, 2008 in press), pp. 124-37.
5. For a particularly persuasive analysis, see Vaclav Smil, Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next 50 Years.(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008 in press).