1. Baumann, T., Harfst, S., Cell A., Dunn, J., (2013) Competency-based dual education: An alliance between industry, education and public sectors to fulfill industry demand and needs of youth in the US – A project success story, 25th IPMA World Conference, Brisbane 2011.
2. Baumann,T., Haasis,H.H., Nehlsen-Pein, T., (2013) Human Decision Making in Business. Implications and application operations of neuroscience for business decisions, BUSINESS SYSTEMS REVIEW, ISSN 2280-3866 Vol 2. Issue 1. pp. 1-14.
3. Baumann T., (2011) Project Management in Research, 2. Nasch-Forum der Vokswagenstiftung, Göttingen 2011.
4. Baumann T., Schmitz J., Fajerski J (2011)., One Global Approach, One Standard Process and Multiple Cultures- an (im-) possible mission ? 25th IPMA World Conference, Brisbane 2011,.
5. Baumann, T., Spang K. , Albrecht J. (2010). “Increase the business success through the optimization of the OEM/supplier interface – state of the art,trends and options” , IPMA world conference Istanbul 2010.