1. Bodine, R. J.; Crawford, D. K. (1998). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution Education- A Guide to Building Quality Programs in Schools. National Inst_tute for Dispute Resolution.
2. Bodine, J.R, Crawford, K.D ve Schrumpf, F. (2002). Ceating the peaceable school: Acomprehensive program for teaching conflict resolution (2nd Edition)Illinois: Research Pres.
3. Fisher, R., Ury, W & Patton, B. (1991) Gettingto yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in (2nd Edition). Penguin Boks.
4. Glasser, W. (1993) The Quality School Teacher. New York: Harper Perennial.
5. Johnson, D.W & Johnson, R. (1995) Teaching students to be peacemakers, Edina,MN: Interaction Book Co.