1. Janosch JJ. IIW Round robin phase II protocol for residual stress and distortion prediction in welded plate, X/XV-RSDP-60-01.
2. Janosch JJ. Round robin phase II report, IIW-X/XII/XV-RSDP-68-02, XV-1121-02, XIII-1940-02.
3. Janosch JJ. Round robin phase II—3D first results report. IIW-X/XII/XV-RSDP-77-03, XIII-1978-03.
4. Janosch JJ. Round robin phase II—update 2D and 3D modelling results, IIW-X/XII/XV-RSDP-97-04.
5. Janosch JJ. Round robin phase II—update 3D modelling results”, IIW-X/XII/XV-RSDP-114-05.