1. P.M. Zerwas (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop e+e− Collisions at 500 GeV. The Physics Potential, Munich, Annecy, Hamburg, 3–4 February 1991, DESY 92–123A/B, August 1992, DESY 93–123C, December 1993.
2. A. Djouadi, J. Kalinowski, P.M. Zerwas, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 7 (1992) 1765; Z. Phys. C 54 (1992) 255.
3. See, e.g.: Section Top Quark Physics, P. Igo-Kemenes, J.H. Kühn (conveners), in Ref. [1](and references therein), part A.
4. Higgs production at the LHC: an update on cross sections and branching ratios
5. W. Bernreuther et al., in Ref. [1], part A.