1. Observation of events at very high $Q^2$ in ep collisions at HERA
2. Comparison of ZEUS data with standard model predictions for $e^+p \rightarrow e^+X$ scattering at high $x$ and $Q^2$
3. H1 and ZEUS Collaboration, B. Straub, published in proceedings of "Lepton-Photon 97", Hamburg, 28/07/97; H1 and ZEUS Collaboration, D. Acosta, published in proceedings of "EPS 97", Jerusalem, 20/08/97.
4. H1 Collaboration, P. Bruel, published in proceedings of conference at Moriond, March 1998, available at http://www-h1.desy.de:80/h1/www/publications/hiq2/hiq2.html;
5. ZEUS Collaboration, M. Kuze, published in proceedings of conference at Moriond, March 1998; ZEUS Collaboration, K. Nagano, published in proceedings of conference at Moriond, March 1998, available at http://www-zeus.desy.de/ũkatz/ZEUS_PUBLIC/hqex/hqex_papers.html#Talks; H1 and ZEUS Collaboration, Ulrich F. Katz, talk given at SLAC Topical Conference, August 1998, scanned transparencies are available at http://www-zeus.desy.de/conference98/.