1. M. Green, J. Schwarz, E. Witten, Superstring Theory, Cambridge University Press Cambridge, 1987.
2. H.J. de Vega Strings in Curved Spacetimes, Lectures delivered at the Erice School, String Quantum Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale, June 1992, World Scientific.
3. Oscillatory approach to a singular point in the relativistic cosmology
4. H.J. de Vega, N. Sánchez String Theory in Cosmological Spacetimes, Lectures at the Erice School, September 1994.
5. A.L. Larsen, N. Sánchez Strings and Multi-Strings in Black Holes and Cosmological Spacetimes, in: New Developements in String Gravity and Physics at the Planck energy scale, World Scientific, 1995.