1. For a treatment in the A-representation see G.C. Rossi, M. Testa, The Structure of Yang-Mills Theories in the Temporal Gauge (I). General Formulation, Nucl. Phys. B 163 (1980) 109; (II). Perturbation Theory, Nucl. Phys. B 176 (1980) 477; (III). The Instanton Sector, Nucl. Phys. B 237 (1984) 442.
2. J. Pachos, A. Tsapalis, Static Colored SU (2) Sources in (1+1)-Dimensions – An Analytic Solution in the Electric Representation, hep-th/9710074.
3. J. Pachos, (1+1)-Dimensional SU(N) Static Sources in E and A Representations, hep-th/9801172.
4. V.P. Nair, Gauss law and non-Abelian electric fields, to appear.
5. R. Jackiw, Non-Yang-Mills Gauge Theories, hep-th/9705028.