1. Energy, Environment and Climate Change Issues: A Comparative Study in Asia, a study by the Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate Phase II (ARRPEEC-II), Energy Program;Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),2002
2. Energy, Environment and Climate Change Issues: India, a study by the Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate Phase II (ARRPEEC-II), Energy Program;Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),2002
3. Energy, Environment and Climate Change Issues: China, a study by the Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate Phase II (ARRPEEC-II), Energy Program;Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),2002
4. Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh;Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS),2002
5. Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), 1997. Energy Savings in Brick Units of Bangladesh, a report prepared by Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, Dhaka.