1. DIN, Durchflussmessung mit Blenden, Düsen und Venturirohren in voll durchströmten Rohren mit Kreisquerschnitt (Flow metering with orifice, nozzle, and Venturi of the flow in completely filled pipes with circular cross section), 1982. Similar standards are defined in BS 1042 and ISO 5167, 1952..
2. Flow rate measurement in pipe line with many bends;Akashi;Mitsubishi Heavy Ind.,1978
3. Flow conditioning—a new development;Laws;Flow Meas. Instrum.,1991
4. PIV measurements of the time-averaged flow velocity downstream of flow conditioners in a pipeline;Schlüter;Flow Meas. Instrum.,1996
5. PIV experiments using an endoscope for studying pipe flow;Xiong;J. Flow Visual. & Image Processing,1999