1. Hennessey, James M., 1988a. Computers and Conceptual Design. Conference proceedings, Technical sessions, Vol. III, NCGA, 1988, pp. 433–436, Anaheim, California, March 20–24, 1988.
2. Hennessey, James M., 1988b. Adopted by Paul van der Bosch, Designer's Toolkit, Conference proceedings, CDE 1988, Computers Design Education conference, Helsinki, Finland, August 16–19, 1988
3. Hennessey, James M., n.d. Two-handed Direct Manipulation of CSG Objects, Sektie Vormgevingsmethodieken, Vakgroep Vormgeving, Industrial Design Engineering, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
4. Hoek, T.S., Brijs, P. and Smets, Dr. G.J.F., n.d. Three Dimensional CAD Program for Virtual Environments, Sektie Vormtheorie, Vakgroep Vormgeving, Industrial Design Engineering, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
5. Kolli, Raghu, Pasman, Gert and Hennessey, James, 1992. Considerations for Designing a User Environment for Creative Ideation, Sektie Vormgevingsmethodieken, Vakgroep Vormgeving, Industrial Design Engineering, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands, February, 1992