1. G. Vieider et al., Plasma facing Components in ITER, IAEA-Washington 1990-Meeting IAEA-CN-53/F-3.12.
2. E. Di Pietro et al., Technological development of the monoblock divertor concept. 14th IEEE/NPSS Fusion engineering, San Diego, October 1991.
3. J. Schlosser et al., Development of high thermal flux components for continuous operation in Tokamaks. 14th IEEE/NPSS Fusion engineering, San Diego, October 1991.
4. SEPCARB N112, A general presentation. Notice issued by SEP. Firm Le Haillan, 33165-CEDEX, France.
5. J. Schlosser et al., Thermalhydraulic test on NET Divertor targets-Proceeding of American Nuclear Society, 1991 Meeting San Francisco, Nov. 1991.