1. Determination of trace lead in the atmosphere by furnace atomic absorption
2. J.L. Seeley and R.K. Skogerboe, Graphite cup, volatile halide speotrographic analysis of volatile halides, paper no. 104, 11th National Meeting of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy, Dallas, Texas, September 10–15, 1972.
3. H.J. Dowell, and A. Wayne Fagen, Emission spectrochemical determination of aerosols using porous graphite filters for sample collection, paper no. 103, 11th National Meeting of Society of Applied Spectroscopy, Dallas, Texas, September 10–15, 1972.
4. J. Lech, D. Siemer and R. Woodriff, Environ. Sci. Technol. (to be published).
5. Direct filtration through porous graphite for A.A. analysis of beryllium particulates in air