1. The density of lithium borate glasses related to atomic arrangements
2. The density of two mixed alkali borate glass systems related to atomic arrangements
3. S. Feller, J. Kottke, J. Welter, S. Nijhawan, R. Boekenhauer, H. Zhang, D. Feil, C. Paramswar, K. Budhwani, M. Affatigato, G. Bhasin, S. Bhowmik, J. MacKenzie, M. Royle, S. Kambeyanda, P. Pandikuthira, M. Sharma, in: A.C. Wright, S.A. Feller, A.C. Hannon (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Borate Glasses, Cryst. Melt., 1997, p. 246
4. The density of alkali silicate glasses over wide compositional ranges