1. D. Hou and D. Dolezilek, IEC 61850 – What It Can and Cannot Offer to Traditional Protection Schemes, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Western Protective Relay Conference, Spokane, WA, October 2008.
2. H. Fischer, J. Gilbert, G. Morton, M. Boughman, and D. Dolezilek, Case Study: Revised Engineering and Testing Practices Resulting from Migration to IEC 61850, Proceedings of the 18th Annual DistribuTECH Conference and Exhibition, Tampa, FL, January 2008.
3. Frank Visser,EdwinMelenhorst Eric Van Aken, Marco Janssen and Alex Geschier, Graphical Speciation for IEC 61850 Based Substation Automation System.
4. Communication Networks and Systems in Substation 2003, IEC 61850-5, 8, 7, 1stedition.
5. Manufacturing Messaging Specification; ISO 9506-1&2:2003; Part 1 - Service Definition: Part 2 - Protocol Specification.