An upper bound for the minimum rank of a graph


Berman Avi,Friedland Shmuel,Hogben Leslie,Rothblum Uriel G.,Shader Bryan


Elsevier BV


Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics,Geometry and Topology,Numerical Analysis,Algebra and Number Theory

Reference8 articles.

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1. On Extremal Graphs for Zero Forcing Number;Graphs and Combinatorics;2022-11-07

2. Some properties of the closed global shadow graphs and their zero forcing number;Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Informatica;2022-08-01

3. Bounds on expected propagation time of probabilistic zero forcing;European Journal of Combinatorics;2021-12

4. A linear time algorithm for the nullity of vertex-weighted block graphs;Discrete Applied Mathematics;2021-02

5. Matroids and the Minimum Rank Problem for Matrix Patterns;The American Mathematical Monthly;2020-10-20







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