1. N. Bartlett, F.O. Sladky, Noble Gas Chemistry, Pergamon, Oxford, 1973, p. 213
2. M.A. Morris, M. Bowker, D.A. King, in: C.H. Bamford, C.F.H. Tipper, R.G. Compton (Eds.), Simple Processes at the Gas–Solid Interface, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, p. 1
3. A. Zangwill, in: Physics at Surfaces, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988, p. 185
4. B.A. Joyce, C.T. Foxon, in: C.H. Bamford, C.F.H. Tipper, R.G. Compton (Eds.), Simple Processes at the Gas–Solid Interface, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, p. 181
5. T.A. Delchar, in: Vacuum Physics and Techniques, 1st ed., Chapman & Hall, London, 1993, pp. 47–76