1. A.K. Petrov, E.N. Chesnokov, S.R. Gorelik, Yu.N. Molin, K.D. Straub, E. Szarmes, J.M.J. Madey, Isotope selective multiphoton dissociation of formic acid and nitromethane by a free electron laser, in: FEL and its Applications in Asia, Ionics Publishing Co., Tokyo, 1996
2. Multiphoton Isotope-Selective Dissociation of Formic Acid Molecules under Action of a Free Electron Laser
3. A.K. Petrov, E.N. Chesnokov, S.R. Gorelik, K.D. Straub, J.M.J. Madey, E.B. Szarmes, Multiphoton 14N–15N isotopic-selective dissociation of CH3NO2 molecules under action of a free electron Laser, J. Chem. Phys., submitted
4. A.K. Petrov, E.N. Chesnokov, S.R. Gorelik, K.D. Straub, J.M.J. Madey, E.B. Szarmes, Multiphoton dissociation of C2H5Cl And CHF2Cl molecules in the 3 micron region utilizing a free electron laser, in preparation