1. D.C. Wicks, Trace element analysis of high explosives and their residues by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), No. 1 DTC MSc, Cranfield University, RMCS, Shrivenham, Swindon, UK, 1997
2. E. Clayton, PIXAN: The Lucas Heights PIXE analysis computer package, AAEC/M113, Australian Atomic Energy Commission, 1986
3. Evaluation of low temperature ashing of biological materials as a preconcentration method for PIXE analysis
4. Comparison of different sample and target preparation procedures for PIXE analysis of biological materials
5. M.E. Limon, Trace element analysis of high explosives and their residues by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), No. 2 DTC MSc, Cranfield University, RMCS, Shrivenham, Swindon, UK, 1998