1. C.Y. Li, M. Cooper, K. Halbach, W.B. Kunkel, K.N. Leung, R.P. Wells, A.T. Young, in: G. Dutto, M.K. Craddock (Eds.), Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Cyclotrons and Their Applications, TRIUMF, Vancouver, 1992, p. 561
2. Design of permanent multipole magnets with oriented rare earth cobalt material
3. A method for stabilizing particle orbits in the race-track microtron
4. J.L. Warren, M.T. Menzel, G. Boicourt, H. Stokes, R.K. Cooper, POISSON/SUPERFISH Reference Manual, LA-UR-87-126 (1987);
5. M.T. Menzel, H.K. Stokes, POISSON/SUPERFISH User's Manual, LANL LA-UR-87-115 (1987)